Friday, April 20, 2012

Uniting Against the War on Women

By Terri Rodabaugh

We have been inundated lately with Representative after Representative trying to pass legislation limiting what women can and cannot do with their bodies. We are being made to have transvaginal ultrasounds before getting an abortion. Have you ever had one of these ultrasounds? I have ... several times, for reasons pertaining to the medication that I am on that helps to eliminate estrogen in my body so that cancer can't grow. It wasn't painful but I can imagine how degrading it would be to have to have that done to you. It seems to me to be a sort of torture, maybe even a form of rape because it is against the woman's consent. It is a form of control, of bullying, plain and simple.

Soon, mark my words, there will be lawsuits against the government for making a woman have to do this. I can assure you there are already women lining up at their local legal aide offices to file complaints. I know I would. And, if they are smart, they will.

What I see happening here is the need for us all to come together. We as women need to stand together and say "no more." Women need to forget all about what political party we are from and work side-by-side to not let these atrocities happen. What's next? Forcible castration? We might as well live in a Third World Country.

Recently, I read that Georgia Representative Terry England (shown here) is trying to pass legislation to make a woman carry a stillborn fetus to term. What the heck for? More control, that's what for. Make us all feel like chattle won't you? For a woman to carry a stillborn to term is very dangerous. The stillborn child starts to decay within the woman carrying it. It could kill her. Is that really where we want to go in this country? Where is the compassion for others. Why are we allowing this to happen? We shouldn't be.

And don't get me started about Rush Limbaugh. He is just the voicebox of many men out there and it is frightening to think that we are thought so less of.

On April 28, 2012, there will be a march on your state capital asking for the War Against Women to cease. We are fed up and it is time to stand together as one unit.
You can find the march in your area by going to the Unite Against the War on Women page on Facebook. Join the group, find out where members are meeting, and march with us. You men who love your women, march along beside us and show your support. The time has come.

But it also makes me wonder, why now? What are they covering up? I believe something is going down in this country. Something they don't want us to see so they make all this chaos. What is being done without our knowing? We will soon find out and God help us all.

"There is a special place in Hell for women who do not help other women," Madeleine Albright said in what has become one of my favorite quotes. Let's do this ladies ... it's time. We can't shut our eyes and think this will all go away. There is no going back to the Dark Ages for us. Let's blow the lid off this thing so we can start to see what is truly going on.

1 comment:

  1. Terri, you point to some truly disturbing trends and the importance of people speaking out and standing fast against them! Unfortunately, I think the attitudes behind these
    trends are always present in our society and that the atavistic people who hold them are constantly testing the waters to see if they can gain support for them.

    You are right that women need to stand together against the resurgent "War Against Women" but there are two elements to it I think bear mentioning. One is that people like Georgia Rep. Terry England do not get elected without a significant number of women, for whatever reasons, voting for them. The other is that a great number of men -- myself included -- are revolted by ideas like the ones he supports. I truly believe that in the United States today there is a war against women as vicious in its sentiments as any that exists in the Middle East and that here as there it is the Fundamentalists who are its strongest proponents. So for what it is worth, there are on the one hand women who are enemies in this war, and on the other hand men who support the rights of their wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters who are allies in it.
